Every exhibition in PINK CUBE is an art-battle between two artists or artist-groups.
Since January 2011 there has been 22 battles with the following artists (-groups):
Agnes Nedregard (NO)
Aviya Wyse (IS)
Bakketun/Ballo/Norum (NO)
Brookman/White (CO/IL)
Bård Ask (NO)
Everbabe (NO)
Fast Forward (NY)
Hanna Fauske (NO)
Hanne Maren Meldahl (NO)
Henrique Saidel (BR)
Iselin Kleiva (NO)
Ivan Galuzin (NO)
Jacqueline Forzelius (SE)
Janna Thöle-Juul (NO)
Janne Talstad (NO)
Javier Barrios (NO)
Josefine Lyche (NO)
Karén Nikgol (NO)
Kirsty Kross (AU)
Lars Brekke (NO)
Lina K. Holme (SE)
Maisie Cousins (UK)
Maria Pasenau (NO)
Marte Hodne Haugen (NO)
Marthe Andersen (NO)
Mom & Jerry (DK)
Moray Hillary (UK)
Morten Kvamme (NO)
Nadine Byrne (SE)
Old Unknown Anonymous Artist (NO)
Olivia Dunbar (CA)
Richard Øiestad (NO)
Rita Marhaug (NO)
Sara Christensen (DK)
Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas (NO)
Tammo Rist (NO)
That Purple Stuff (LA/NO)
Tommy Olsson (SE)
Tonje Birkeland (NO)
Trollkrem (NO)
True Solvang Vevatne (NO)
Unni Askeland (NO)
Veronica Rebecca Johansen (NO)
Yaeli Gabriely (IS)
Yuki Jungesblut (DE)